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HP Makulator OneShred 24CC

HP Makulator OneShred 24CC
HP Makulator OneShred 24CC
HP Makulator OneShred 24CC
HP Makulator OneShred 24CC
HP Makulator OneShred 24CC
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Varenr.: 2807
The intuitive HP OneShred 24CC scores points not only for its quiet operating noise of less than 65 decibels, but also for its large 30 litre capacity pull-out collection bin. In order to move this imposing shredder around the office without any problems despite its impressive 20 kg, it is equipped with four casters, two of which are lockable.In addition to a whole stack of documents, paper clips, staples and credit cards do not cause any difficulties for this reliable office shredder.If the shredder has been in continuous use for over 30 minutes, it requires a cool-down period before it can be used for another 30 minutes. Of course, in addition to an overheat and overload indicator, the HP OneShred 24CC also has an automatic reverse function and alerts you to a full or open waste bin, removing the need to constantly monitor whether it needs emptying.In order to enjoy your HP OneShred 24CC for as long as possible, the cutting mechanism should be maintained at regular intervals.
Producent HP
Makuleringstype Krydsmakulering
Skæringskapacitet 21-50

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